A Home For Different
Thinking And Learning
47 - 49 Church Street, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 2AA 01684 574072 info@blueberry-centre.co.uk

Meet Our Facilitators

Richard Whitehead has been a Davis Programme Facilitator since 2002. He is a Davis Dyslexia Programme Specialist and Workshop Presenter, and a Davis Autism Approach Facilitator, Coach and Workshop Presenter. Having been a classroom teacher for several years, he originally discovered the Davis methods when looking for a solution for the son of some friends.
His extensive background in education includes time spent teaching in both the adult and mainstream secondary educational sectors. Richard has a keen interest in holistic approaches to health and learning; alongside his dyslexia work, he has run workshops on effective parent/child communication based on the work of Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.
Richard has lectured and presented on the Davis learning methods in countries and cultures as diverse as the UK, Ireland, Iceland, Estonia, Poland, Portugal, India, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States.
Richard's original university education was as a linguist, and he speaks several European languages. Alongside Richard's work with the Davis methods, he is also a Patoss-accredited Specialist Teacher Assessor, specialising in multilingual SpLD assessments for non-native speakers of English in the UK.
Richard is author of the book Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If ? and of an accompanying fifteen-part e-mentoring course for teachers of struggling learners. He has written articles on the dyslexic learning style for publications as diverse as Literacy Today, Green Parent Magazine and Personnel Today magazine and has recorded video presentations on dyslexia for the Dystalk project.

Claire Tuthill is an independent tutor of mathematics working as an associate of the Blueberry Centre.
Claire is passionate about Mathematics teaching and learning. She has a degree in Mathematics and Education from Cambridge University and has been teaching Mathematics for over 30 years. She has taught children aged 5-18, across every year group in school in prep and senior schools. She has run three Mathematics departments in independent Preparatory schools, in London, Oxfordshire and Malvern.
From 2000-2004, Claire was Head of Mathematics over the Thomas’s group of schools in London, writing and developing their curriculum. More recently from 2019 – 2022, Claire was Head of Upper School Mathematics at The Downs Malvern, a flourishing independent prep school in Worcestershire, UK.
Claire is a published author, who has written for Scholastic on their Hundred Maths lesson series, writing educational Maths books for teachers. She is an independent Maths consultant and is currently working for the ISEB. Having studies Art and design, Textiles and fashion with double Mathematics at A level, she has a creative approach to learning.
Claire has worked one to one with many pupils preparing for examinations and enjoys helping them create links between the various concepts in Mathematics. She has attended courses at The Hornsby Centre and with Unicorn Maths in London to help her develop an understanding of Dyscalculia and Dyslexia. Claire currently lives at Malvern College, a flourishing independent boarding school with her family and enjoys looking after the boys with her husband who is the Housemaster.

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Margarita Whitehead in April 2018, following a short and unexpected illness.
Margarita became a licensed Davis Programme Facilitator in 2004. She worked with both children and adults but had a particular affinity for younger learners. She provided Davis Programmes in both English and Russian in the UK (Blueberry Centre, Malvern) and in Estonia (Perlego Center, Tallinn).
If you are a former client of Margarita's and require some follow-up support, Richard Whitehead will be pleased to help. Just drop us a line to discuss your needs.